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California Criminal Defense Blog

probable cause

Probable Cause

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Probable cause is an exception to the warrant requirement under the 4th Amendment. In other words, police do not need a warrant to arrest a… Read More »Probable Cause

felony dui

Felony DUI

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The prosecution can charge a felony DUI if: Wobbler The felony charges listed above are “wobblers.” A “wobbler” is a charge that can be a… Read More »Felony DUI

police encounters

Police Encounters

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Police encounters can lead to an arrest, criminal charges, and other penalties. Knowing what to do during police encounters can make the difference between going… Read More »Police Encounters

police stops

Police Stops

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Police stops can lead to an arrest, criminal charges, and other penalties. Knowing what to do during police stops can make the difference between going… Read More »Police Stops